- 1 You can earn money by taking part in paid surveys. But there are a few things to keep in mind!
- 2 How to respond correctly on paid surveys so that everyone gets something out of it
- 2.1 Tip 1: Read the introduction
- 2.2 Tip 2: Read each question carefully
- 2.3 Tip 3: Do not use swear words or expletives
- 2.4 Tip 4: Have the courage to leave gaps
- 2.5 Tip 5: Do not fill out a questionnaire twice
- 2.6 Tip 6: Answer honestly, because you are always anonymous
- 2.7 Tip 7: Verify your user profile
- 2.8 Because you are an honest person, you earn even more money with surveys
You can earn money by taking part in paid surveys. But there are a few things to keep in mind!
You might be thinking, what could be so difficult about filling out a questionnaire? In fact, it’s quite easy. And that is often the problem. Because there are people who quickly click through a survey to earn money quickly and easily without thinking about the content. Surely you are not one of those people who do that. But maybe you know someone who does and then wonders why they don’t get any credits!
It’s because our algorithm recognises when someone repeatedly fills out surveys in a way that makes the data useless. For example, if someone fills out a paid survey very quickly in a time that deviates greatly from the average just to earn money. Or if, for example, someone always ticks the first answer box for each question, and does so in a very short time.
How to respond correctly on paid surveys so that everyone gets something out of it
Tip 1: Read the introduction
Be sure to read the introductory text of a survey so that you understand what the survey is about. In most cases, the introductory text also contains information on data protection.
Tip 2: Read each question carefully
Read each question carefully before answering it to the best of your knowledge. You can do this quickly, but the algorithm makes sure that there is always a small pause between filling in two questions, which should be about as long as it takes to read a question. This is usually tested with several respondents before a survey is published.
Tip 3: Do not use swear words or expletives
Do not use swear words or insults when filling out an open text question, even if a question affects you emotionally a lot and you are angry. This can happen especially in political surveys! Just take a deep breath and answer the question objectively so that your opinion is actually included in the results! It would be a real shame if you took the time to answer a survey but your opinion was not taken into account because of verbal lapses.
Tip 4: Have the courage to leave gaps
Sometimes it is the case that survey initiators do not design the questionnaire very well and questions or answer options are confusing. Usually you can’t ask anyone how a question or answer option is meant. If you are unsure, just leave the question out. Because if you fill in the question when you don’t really know exactly what they want to know from you, it will distort the survey result. However, if it is a compulsory question marked with an asterisk, then simply try to answer the question to the best of your ability.
Tip 5: Do not fill out a questionnaire twice
As a rule, initiators of paid surveys take care that a person cannot fill them out repeatedly. This is done by cookies, for example. If for some reason you are able to call up a questionnaire again and fill it in, for example because you call up the questionnaire from another device, refrain from doing so. If this happens by mistake and only once, it will not affect your credits.
Tip 6: Answer honestly, because you are always anonymous
It is very important for everyone that you always answer a survey honestly. Even if the answer to a sensitive question makes you uncomfortable or you would prefer to answer the way the others would like you to. Your opinion counts! Only if you are honest can you change things. And remember: we guarantee that you will always remain anonymous within the mypinio universe. Unless you voluntarily give your name within a paid survey.
Tip 7: Verify your user profile
If you have your user profile verified, i.e. checked for authenticity, you will be selected for surveys much more often. Because if you have your user profile verified, people assume that you are an honest person. And companies love real opinions from real people. But you still remain anonymous! So you don’t have to worry that your personal data, such as your real name, will be visible after verification when you fill out a paid survey.
Because you are an honest person, you earn even more money with surveys
You can actually earn quite a bit of money by taking part in surveys. Especially if you answer honestly and sincerely and don’t just quickly click through a questionnaire to earn a few euros. Because that doesn’t really make the world a better place! And that is, after all, what we want: To make the world a little better than it is with our honest opinion!
You have questions about filling out a paid survey? Exchange information with members in the mypinio universe and, if possible, share this post so that as many members as possible know how to fill out a survey correctly.
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paid surveys | votings | tips