Using hashtags
What is a hashtag?
What is a hashtag?
A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#) to identify content on a particular topic in order to quickly and easily get an overview of all content containing that hashtag.
How to use hashtags
How to use hashtags
Using hashtags ist very easy! You can use hashtags in your posts so that when people search for that hashtag, your post will appear in the search list and thus be shown to users searching for that specific hashtag. Just put the hash sign before a term and it becomes a link that can be clicked to see all the posts that are marked with the same hashtag you used.
Example of the use of hashtags.
Display posts with a specific hashtag
How can I display posts that contain a specific hashtag?
To see a list of posts marked with a specific hashtag, simply click on a hashtag within a post or use the search function.
If you want to see a list of posts that are tagged with the hashtag #food, for example, just click on the hashtag in a post.
The overview page for this hashtag will then open, showing all posts marked with this hashtag. This overview page also shows how often this hashtag has already been used.
Search for hashtags
How to search for hashtags
To search for posts tagged with a specific hashtag, you can use the mypinio search feature. For example, if you want to search for the hashtag #food, just type the word food in the search box and confirm. You will then be taken to an overview page where you will see a list of all fast tags that contain the term food.
Then click on the desired hashtag and you will be taken to the overview page of all posts that contain that hashtag.